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Bernard Kleina

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What Can We Do For You?

1. Photography, Exhibits and Websites

My photographs connect one's eyes, mind and heart in a way that inspire courage and determination and advance the cause of justice, hope and compassion.

There is simply no substitute for the powerful impact of these photographs of Dr. King. They have been described as "magical", "stirring", "unforgettable", "magnificent", "the first color photos of Dr. King", "they talk about a moment in history ... lost."

"Your amazing collection of Dr. King and the Chicago Freedom Movement has totally bowled me over ... Thank you (also) for your lifelong work of justice." Rachel Maddow, MSNBC.

"Photography is essential for keeping history alive." Brenda Williams, Tribal Court Public Defense Clinic, UW School of Law.

"Bernie, you were there and we were thankful." C.T. Vivian, Civil Rights Hero.

My photographs are available in PowerPoint Presentations as well as wall hangings, exhibits, postcards, bookmarks and websites. (For a sampling, please refer to the "Practice Areas" tab on the Relman, Dane & Colfax website.)

2. Talks

"We have had the honor of sponsoring the Chicago Freedom Movement Exhibit multiple times in our State. The photographs are moving, infuriating, heartbreaking and unforgettable. This unique look at 'history' speaks to the very issues driving Fair Housing and Human Rights Movements today. The photos along inspire reflection. But it is Bernie Kleina's quiet, often ironic, testimonial to those turbulent days that compels us to continue to confront injustice where we find it." - Katherine Knister Zook, Silver State Fair Housing Council, Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada.

"Mr. Kleina is able to tell the story about a significant part of the Civil Rights Movement which many people especially our children are unaware of. Our partnership with Mr. Kleina has been one of the most successful endeavors of the CCHR. His work is intimately tied to our mission and serves as a reminder and source of motivation for our Staff, that we must continue to do our best to help Chicago become a city free from discrimination and hate, in which all persons can live in freedom and mutual respect." - Mona Noriega, Chair, Chicago Commission on Human Relations.

3. Fair Housing Consulting

For more than forty (40) years I was Director of HOPE Fair Housing Center in Wheaton, Illinois. During that time, we were involved in a wide range of housing and lending discrimination matters, from that of a world-class racetrack, mid-sized cities, luxury condominiums and rental apartments. We represented people in all Federal, State and Municipal protected classes.

4. Film Production

Bernard Kleina and Susan Keleher Kleina have produced some of the most moving, inspiring and thought-provoking videos on fair and affordable housing in the Country. Our clients include Fair Housing Centers, law firms, social service organizations, major corporations and government agencies.


If I can assist you in any way in your fight for housing equality, please contact me at 630-260-4100.